
7 Safe Rules for Using Contact Lenses for those of you who have dry eyes

7 Safe Rules for Using Contact Lenses for those of you who have dry eyes
Many people with dry eyes avoid contact lenses (contact lenses). It feels awry, if you don't wear contact lenses then vision will blur, but if you wear contact lenses worry about pain, itching, until redness of the eyes will get worse. So, is there an appropriate solution if you want to keep using contact lenses for dry eyes?

A safe guide to using contact lenses for dry eyes
Dry eyes occur when the production of tears, which are supposed to work to moisturize all parts of the eye, instead do not function optimally. For those of you who have this condition, you might feel doubt when you want to wear contact lenses.

Indeed, improper way of using and maintaining contact lenses can actually make dry eyes worse. In fact, it can increase the risk of infection, making you uncomfortable.

However, Alisha Fleming, OD, an eye specialist at Penn Medicine in the United States, said that you can still use contact lenses for dry eyes. Provided, want to apply the safe rules, including:

1. Make sure your hands are clean before using contact lenses

Make sure your hands are clean before using contact lenses
This rule must actually be applied by all contact lens users. Because, directly holding and wearing contact lenses without washing your hands first can risk moving pathogens that cause infection from the fingers to contact lenses, then end up in your eyes.

The key, make it a habit to always wash your hands with soap then rinse with running water until clean. Then dry the whole hand before you use contact lenses.

2. Remove contact lenses before going to bed

Remove contact lenses before going to bed
Sleeping habits still wearing contact lenses can damage the production of natural tears that should lubricate all parts of the eye. As a result, your dry eyes will feel worse.

Not only that, Nicky Lai, OD, an eye health specialist at The Ohio State University, explains that often forgetting to remove contact lenses when going to sleep can harm the cornea which is the outermost protective layer.

The reason is because the amount of oxygen that enters the eye during sleep is not as much compared to when the eyes are open.

3. Use disposable contact lenses

Use disposable contact lenses
There are two common types of contact lenses on the market, which can be used for several months and disposable contact lenses. Well, contact lenses for dry eyes are most recommended are those that should not be used for a long time. It would be better if you choose disposable contact lenses.

Why? Because contact lenses have been used for a long time there is a lot of dirt that has accumulated in it, making it difficult for tears to spread evenly to all areas of your eyes, revealed by Vivian Shibayama, OD, an ophthalmologist at UCLA Health, California.

4. Clean the contact lens container each time you use it

Clean the contact lens container each time you use it
It's not only the contact lenses that you have to keep clean, but also the contact lens storage container. Do this regularly every time you use contact lenses, or even every day to ensure cleanliness.

The rule is that after contacting the contact lens to the eye, the contact lens container must be rinsed using a soft contact solution or liquid. Then let it dry or wipe with clean tissue. All of these steps can reduce the possibility of inflammation and infection causing eye problems.

5. Use eye drops as often as possible

Use eye drops as often as possible
Eye drops are one of the things that must be owned by people with dry eyes. The production of tears that are not able to lubricate the eyes properly, can be further helped by the presence of artificial tears from eye drops.

Tears have an important role as a protective eye from germs while maintaining overall eye health. That is why, an insufficient amount of tears in patients with dry eyes not only create discomfort, but will also increase the risk of infection.

6. Avoid wearing contact lenses for a long time

Avoid wearing contact lenses for a long time
Contact lenses are not designed to be used for a long time, especially for a full day. Ideally, normal eyes can use contact lenses for a maximum of 10 hours a day. But if you have dry eyes, then automatically the contact lens wear time will be shorter.

Dr. Shibayama also added this, according to him, it is better to give room for the eyes to breathe freely for several hours a day. That is, set aside some of your time in a day without using contact lenses. The goal is to allow the eye to get enough oxygen and nutrients from the water that is produced naturally by the eye, without having to be blocked by contact lenses.

7. Routinely see an eye doctor

7. Routinely see an eye doctor
Adhere to the eye doctor's schedule, even if your dry eye symptoms have started to improve. Especially for you contact lens wearers, doctors will usually check the entire eye as well as prescribe new eye drops according to eye conditions. You can also consult about complaints that may have been experienced during the use of contact lenses for dry eyes.

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