
Caution Hoaks about the Corona Virus, here are seven of them

Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia revealed that to date, there are 57 hoaks of Wuhan Corona virus circulating in the community. It is certainly confusing society in filtering the correct information.

However, in addition to society, the effects of hoaks surrounding the corona virus also affect physicians. DR. Dr. Erlina Burhan, MSC, SP. P (K) is the one that complained about the many hoaks about corona viruses.

He recounts that the number of patients grew and a lot of the patient asked the truth about Corona Virus information because of the worry of being infected.

In this regard, Erlina explains seven hoaks about corona viruses that he often get from community questions:

1. Corona contagious Virus through fruit fruits

Erlina says, Corona virus is a viral breed in animals and pass it on to humans. So, it is unlikely that corona viruses grow in fruits.

"If not in animals, he (corona virus) can not breed. So it is not possible to grow in fruits "he said when found on the education Media " Personal & Respiratory Hygiene to prevent and break the chain of infection Corona Virus "Jakarta (6/2/2020).

2. Corona-contagious Virus through eye view

According to Erlina, Corona viruses cannot be transmitted through eye view. There is indeed a health worker who is infected because the Corona virus enters into the eye, albeit always wearing an N95 mask and never to the Wuhan fish market.

However, this transmission does not occur because the officer has an eye view with the patient. He was infected by rubbing his eyes without washing his hands first.

3. Corona-transmitted viruses via mobile phones from China

It is not justified by Erlina. Phones manufactured from China are unable to transmit this viral corona virus.

4. Corona infectious Virus due to consuming bat SOP

BAT does carry many viruses, one of which is Corona virus. However, if the bats are cooked until cooked and used as a sop. Because the virus will die when boiled.

"The soup is a long time to boil, and the virus is dead with heat above 60 degrees (Celsius). So, not transmitted through the SOP, "Erlina Connect.

5. Corona Virus can be treated by drinking alcohol

Erlina also does not justify this. To date, have not found a way or drug that cure corona viruses, as well as vaccines to prevent a person infected with the corona-virus.

However, this transmission does not occur because the officer has an eye view with the patient. He was infected by rubbing his eyes without washing his hands first.

3. Corona-transmitted viruses via mobile phones from China

It is not justified by Erlina. Phones manufactured from China are unable to transmit this viral corona virus.

4. Corona infectious Virus due to consuming bat SOP

BAT does carry many viruses, one of which is Corona virus. However, if the bats are cooked until cooked and used as a sop. Because the virus will die when boiled.

"The soup is a long time to boil, and the virus is dead with heat above 60 degrees (Celsius). So, not transmitted through the SOP, "Erlina Connect.

5. Corona Virus can be treated by drinking alcohol

Erlina also does not justify this. To date, have not found a way or drug that cure corona viruses, as well as vaccines to prevent a person infected with the corona-virus.

6. Corona Virus can be treated with garlic

Erlina recounts, rising prices of garlic in the market when the Corona virus is due to occur because many of the garlic suppositions can cure the Wuhan corona virus. However, this is also not justified by Erlina.

7. The most excellent mask as an APD against coronavirus is a mask N95

Many have assumed that the safest masks to prevent the transmission of Wuhan Corona virus is a mask N95. In fact, the mask is used only for health officers only. Erlina also reveals that wearing an N95 mask makes the stuffy because he once used it when dealing with avian influenza patients.

"The community has enough surgical masks," he asserted. Surgical masks are green masks, commonly used by health workers when dissecting patients.


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