
Understanding Mesh topology and advantages and disadvantages

A network topology is a rule or a way that can be used to connect between one computer and another so that it can form a network. The network topology itself can be described physically through existing relationship patterns between network components which include workstations, servers, hubs and other network devices. Computer network topology is actually divided into 2, among others are:

  1. Physical, that is, an image that comes from the relationship between a computer, a server, a switch, a hub, and a network cable that forms a specific pattern.
  2. Logical, that is, a picture that shows a device that can communicate with other devices.

In the network topology selection you also need to consider some of the related factors. Of course this will greatly affect the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency. These factors include cost, speed, size, connectivity and the environment.

There are several types of computer network topology most common, namely bus topology, star topology, Ring topology, Topology tree, and mesh topology. Each of these types of network topology certainly has its advantages and disadvantages.

This time will be discussed further on the mesh topology. Mesh topology itself is a type of topology built by pairing link between all nodes in the network. The following will be explained more about the definition of mesh topology along with its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Understanding Mesh Topology
Mesh topology or better known as mesh topology because the shape that does resemble mesh. Mesh topology is a form of relationship that exists between the devices where each existing device will be connected directly with other devices that are in one network.

In mesh topology, every device can communicate directly with other device because device will connect with each other known as dedicated links. Communication tied to a mesh topology usually runs fast and can be used to build a less large scale network.

In building the mesh topology, there are some calculations that you should do using the formula N (n-1)/2. For example, there are 5 computers that are in one network, then the cable used to be able to build using the mesh topology is 5 (5-1)/2 = 10 connection. And then each of the computers is required to have an I/O port with a sum of 5-1 = 4. For calculation of port formula itself can be calculated by way of N-1.

Mesh topology usually you can find on ISP (Internet Service Provider) which is used to ensure if there is damage in one computer network system then it will not interfere with existing network connection with other computer system that is in the network.

Mesh topology Characteristics
Mesh topology itself has some characteristics or features of its own, among others are:

  • Devices on the network are connected to each other.
  • The cables used in communicating directly with other nodes inside the network are pretty much.
  • On each node, there are at least 2 or more of the I/O ports.
  • Configuration in each node will differ in communication.

How Mesh Topology Works
Simply put, the way the mesh topology works is that each node in the network will connect to each other due to the use of the cable directly to the node being tested.

So that the flowing data will be able to go directly to the intended node, so that the data will flow in the mesh topology network quickly. Data can flow directly to the intended node without having to pass through other nodes.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mesh topology
Here are some of the advantages that are owned by mesh topology, among others are:
  1. Mesh topology has a dedicated link relationship which can guarantee if the data will be sent directly to the destination computer without passing the other computer. So that the data can flow faster until the goal.
  2. This type of mesh topology is robust, that is, if there is interference in computer connection A and computer B due to damage to the connection cables that exist between computer A and computer B then the interference will not interfere with the existing connection On computer A with other.
  3. In mesh topology, security and privacy can be guaranteed either because communication that interwoven between both computers can not be accessed with other computer.
  4. It's easy to identify problems with damage that occurs between computer networks.
Not only has the advantage, every kind of network topology also has the drawback of each mesh topology. Here are some disadvantages of mesh topology:
  1. In mesh topology, need cable and more I/O port so more computer in mesh topology network then of course will need more cable and I/O port.
  2. It is difficult to install and configure as each computer must be connected directly.
  3. Computer networks using mesh topology will be very much use cable, so of course need a large enough room when it will build the computer network.
  4. The cost required for this network topology maintenance is much more than other networks.
  5. Its impractical network
Well that was explained about the understanding of mesh topology and its characteristics and advantages and lack of it. Of course the selection of network topology you need to adjust with several factors that exist so it is appropriate in use.


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