
Understanding Tree topology and its advantages and disadvantages

When talking about the Internet, there is a view that the Internet is a connection between computers around the world, with the center on a particular computer. This view is not entirely true, because in reality the internet is a collection of various networks, both large and small networks, all around the world. These networks were originally a collection of local networks.

In the local network, every computer in the network is connected to each other through both wired and wireless media. There are various network topology or form of relationship structure between computers in network, one of them is topology tree. Each network topology has its own characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. For that it is necessary to plan ripe to determine the type of network topology that will be used to fit the user's needs or wishes.

The tree topology is one of the most widely used topologies on a local network consisting of many computers. Because in addition to supporting the network in large scale, the tree topology also facilitate control and data management. More about the understanding tree topology and its advantages and disadvantages, you can listen to the removal below.

Understanding Tree Topology
The tree topology is a combination of bus topology with star topology, where the network in this topology is a collection of star topology connected with bus topology. So every client is grouped with a hub as a communication center, as does the network structure in the star topology. Then each communication center is connected with another communication center using a main cable as in the bus topology.

The tree topology or topology tree is so named, because if depicted, this form of tissue resembles the shape of tree with branches and twigs. Where branches have a higher hierarchy of branches. In the network tree topology also there is herarchy or network level, where the network with higher hierarchy will be able to influence and control the network that is below.

Therefore, this topology is often used for interconnection between central and different hierarchies. In the tree topology, each client in one group can relate to the client in another group. However the data transmitted by a client, must go through the central node first before it gets to the destination client.

Characteristics of Tree topology
As previously mentioned, each network topology has different characteristics with the other. Tree topology has characteristic that resembles star and bus topology, because this topology is combination of both topology. For more details, here are the characteristics of the tree topology:

  1. Has a main cable that is often referred to as backbone, as a network liaison
  2. Have a Hieraki or level in the network
  3. Has a hub that serves as a data center and network control
  4. Data communication conducted in the network must be through a hub (control center)

In the tree topology there is a main cable (backbone) that connects several hubs, which on this hub is also connected several clients. A Hub that sits on a higher or higher level of the client, becomes the control center of the connected client underneath. In addition, any data from and to the client must go through the hub first before it get to the destination.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tree topology
Although it has some advantages that make it widely applied to computer networks in many places, the tree topology also has some drawbacks. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of tree topology:

Excess topology Tree:

  1. Supports to be applied on a large-scale computer network.
  2. The development of the network or the addition of clients under the central hub can be done easily.
  3. Identifying damage to the network as well as network isolation can be done easily.
  4. If one of the clients suffered damage or interference, it will not affect other clients.
  5. Good data management, because communication occurs in point to point.

Lack of Tree topology

  1. If the main cord (backbone) is damaged, then the entire network will be interrupted.
  2. Hubs play an important role in the network, if the hub is damaged then the entire network will be interrupted.
  3. If the computer that is on the top level is experiencing damage or interference, the underlying computer will also experience interference.
  4. The cost needed to build this network is more expensive, because it uses more cables and hubs.
  5. The configuration and installation of cables in the tree network is more complicated than other topologies.
  6. Maintenance in maintaining network stability is quite difficult, because there are many designing on the nodes.
  7. Network performance and data flow are slower, as communication between computers cannot run directly, but must go through the hub first.
  8. Data traffic is very dense, because through a main cable (backbone), so the possibility of collision (data file collisions) is very large.

This article is about the understanding of tree topology and its advantages and disadvantages. The tree topology is a combination of bus topology with star topology. The tree topology has one main cable (backbone) that connects several hubs in the network. The Hub connects several clients, and is a network control center. Data communication from or to the client must also be through the hub.

The tree topology supports to be used on large-scale computer networks, development or additions to the network is also easy to do. In addition to identification of damage and data management can be done easily. But if the main cord (backbone) suffered damage, then the entire network will be interrupted. In addition, the data streams on the network with this topology tend to be slow, and the possibility of collision is very high.

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